Setting a date to start a new behaviour is not an unusual way of thinking. But does it really have to be on the 1st of January? The trick to making a change is understanding the change cycle and where we stand in it. Prior to picking a day to start a new behavior, it is important to do the mental preparation necessary to be psyched up to implement the change.

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Angela Duckworth, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, had a strong intuition that Grit is enhanced by participating in extra-curricular activities. There are countless studies suggesting that kids who are involved in extra-curricular activities have better grades, higher self-esteem, and are positioned to do better in their life in general.

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Are you intimidated by leaders? Are you intimidated to be leader? Do you think that you lack the worth to deserve the title? Where does that attitude come from? Maybe you lack experience and therefore assume that if you haven’t done it before then you can’t do it. Everything you do adds to your experience.

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Although many coach trainees engage in mentoring as a credentialing requirement, the opportunity to participate in this self-directed learning is an excellent investment in yourself on both a professional and personal level. The support that comes from a coach mentor brings your learning to a different mastery level.

Mentoring is a time to look at how you position your practice and how you relate to your clients. Coach mentoring provides reflective practices on who a client is and what they struggle with, giving you new perspectives and tools to be more effective and impactful in your coaching.

There are many reasons why you might engage in coach mentoring that go beyond what is required to get your credentials. Here are a few benefits of mentoring:

  • Develop self-awareness while coaching
  • Receive feedback on your coaching skills and develop a personalized learning plan
  • Increase coaching knowledge
  • Explore new niches or markets
  • Grow and transform your coaching business
  • Take control of your career
  • Understand the client and their motivation and personal challenges
  • Prepare for coaching exams
  • Stretch your thinking by providing you with alternate perspectives
  • Benefit from lessons and experience of the coach mentor
  • Access to a safe and confidential listener
  • Identify your personal and coaching strengths and leverage them
  • Create a sense of partnership and inclusion in the larger coaching environment and reduce feelings of isolation
  • Become more adaptive to work with different people
  • Increase your flexibility and your coaching style.

Mentoring takes time. A relationship of trust needs to be built to create a safe environment where the mentee can feel secure and share real issues that affect their professional and personal success. The mentor/mentee conversation will go beyond work-specific functions and may include work/life balance, self-perception and how the personal influences the professional. Above all else, the mentor supports the mentee, their career and their individual growth.

If you are an ACC coach seeking your PCC credential, or if you are a new coach who is ready to examine ways to improve your practice, contact Manon Dulude Ph.D, RP, PCC to discuss upcoming group and individual coach mentoring opportunities. Call 905-873-9393 or email

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