Emotional intelligence (EQ) is becoming an increasingly important consideration when hiring new employees and evaluating the potential of existing ones.  Given that our EQ  can influence our success at work (and in our personal lives), it’s important to understand what it is.

There are many schools of thought as to how to 

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Every day we make thousands of decisions, most of which we barely acknowledge. What to eat for breakfast? Which clothes to wear? Which route to take to an appointment? But not all decisions are equal and many of the decisions we make in our personal lives and in business can have

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Burnout is a serious issue which the World Health Organization (WHO) now recognizes as a legitimate medical condition.   While it’s normal to feel very tired or stressed occasionally due to work, burnout is much more serious and should be recognized and treated as soon as possible. Below are the most common

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Burnout is a common term in the business world although it’s not always well understood.  It’s important not to confuse it with how you might feel after a few bad weeks at the office because burnout is much more serious than simply feeling stressed or tired. Burnout usually materializes after an extended period of time such as months or even years of high stress and/or intense dissatisfaction with the job.  Symptoms include being exhausted all the time, irritability, feeling unaccomplished and unappreciated, and generally being so completely worn out by the role that you question your ability to remain in it.

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