When processing dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes, decision makers at the corporate level look for a personal brand that sets the candidate above all the competition.

This goes beyond any checklist of credentials or skills. Others may have exactly the same list. Instead, we’re talking about the personal characteristics you will bring to the future employer. This is what captivates the reader, who may be your future boss or boss’s boss, an HR professional, or an executive recruiter.

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Do you want to be a friend or do you want to be a leader? Or perhaps you’re looking for that happy medium and you’d like to be a friendly leader. The answer lies in where you’ve chosen to set your boundaries.

Healthy boundaries will help you remember that as a leader your primary function is to guide and inspire your team. From that perspective, you will be able to freely challenge people, pull the best out of them, request their commitment and hold them accountable. Healthy boundaries will also allow you to set the tone, the energy level and mindset of your team.

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Sharing your pain with a therapist is not just attending another pity party. Talking about your emotional pain in therapy is constructive and breaks through the downward mood spiral. You no longer have to suffer alone and ruminate over the same hurtful stories over and over again.

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The holidays can be challenging for some of us and emotional triggers appear to be in abundance during the festive season.  Whether it is the stories of Christmas past or the stories and the demands of Christmas present, we certainly can find ourselves flooded with powerful emotions without realizing it.

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